Blog organisation:
- Home: Entry page to the blog. Information about the trip.
- Blog: A diary updated as often as I deem necesary (or as often as I have the possibility; I rely on WIFI access to the internet…)
- Photos: Contains photos pr. country or pr. leg
- Gear: The gear I brought or bought.
- Legs: Routes split into managable sizes.
- About: Well this is it…:)
Keep up-to-date! (Automatic notification of updates):
You can get automatic notification of any updates on the blog by clicking one of the images in the top right corner of the blog:
– will give you an RSS feed of the posts in the blog
– will give you max one email pr. day, and only when new posts are posted to the blog
– will give you an RSS feed of the comments on the blog
– clicking the zoom icon on the maps will bring up the map in a new browser window.
About the blog:
I am writing this blog as a diary for myself, my family and my friends for my cycling trips. It is my hope that other cyclists will be able to use some parts of the diary when planning their rides in Southeast Asia or NZ (as I have used other sites when I planned my trip).
I got the inspiration from two places especially:
- Mr. Pumpy’s homepage (a keen cyclist of SE Asia, USAmerican of nationality, I think) (this is a fun read, even though you are not going anywhere).
- The Lonely Planet book ‘Cycling Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia’ (only a 1. Edition is available and this is from 2001!).
- Travelling Two: They have been everywhere on bicycles.
You might say that taking the same rides as others are not that adventurous and you would be absolutely right 🙂 I am not the explorer type, more like the ‘safe ride’ type i.e. if it works then it is worth copying, if it doesn’t, then I am able to forego that ride.
About me:
I needed a brake from work and decided that biking was the way to go.
Contact info:
I can be contacted on the following email address:
Hej John
Dejligt at læse at du er kommet godt på vej og cyklen var intakt efter flyveturen.
Facinerende og flotte billeder du har taget.
Vi glæder os til at følge din videre færden.
Take care.
Rikke og Allan
Takker 🙂 Jeg bruger bloggen som en dagbog, og forventer ikke at folk læser alt (den er også lidt for min egen skyld, sådan til senere brug)
Hej John!
Det kan godt være, bloggen også er for din egen skyld, men det er nu meget spændende at følge med i det liv som opdagelsesrejsende. Især når det højeste niveau af opdagelsesrejse jeg begiver mig ud i er at navigere ned til kiosken uden GPS.
Du må ha’ en (fortsat) fantastisk tur, og jeg glæder mig meget til at læse og se mere.
Trane 🙂
Trane: Takker 🙂 Jeg synes det er lidt sjovt at opdatere bloggen faktisk. + Når man rejser er der altid aftenerne, og de kan være lange hvis man ikke har noget fornuftigt at give sig til….
Tog du ikke LBA2 med 😉